Beer festival for Rochford in September.
The Golden Lion at Rochford, Essex will be holding a week-long beer festival starting in late September and ending in early October 2018.
The festival, a regular event at the pub, will run from 25th September to 1st October and will offer 30+ real ales (including an exclusive brew for the Golden Lion from Keppels Brewery ‘Lions Kingdom’), plus 8 real ciders (including some from Essex).
Entry is free, and the Golden Lion is open all day every day.
Food will be served until 10pm each day, and live music will be on offer Sunday afternoon and early evening.
For further information: John Harmon 01702 545487.
For the CAMRA webpage for this pub CLICK HERE.
I have tried to update this page, but it appears to me that no one is actually updating this website any more. There will be another Beer Festival at the Golden Lion between the 24 and 30 September 2019
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