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London Beer Week 2016


London Beer Week returns for year two.


Get ready for a week of beer exploration around London’s best beer bars and breweries – London Beer Week is BACK 22-28 February 2016, so get a wristband and get involved.


The epicentre of the festival, and not to be missed – the London Beer Week Hub will this year be based at The Old Truman Brewery where once again Sharp’s Brewery is bringing sand, tasty beers and a new secret bar from their home in sunny Cornwall.  Beyond the Sharp’s Hub, the whole area will be week-long hive of pop-up beer bars and immersive beer experiences for those wearing a London Beer Week wristband.


Your key to the city, a wristband also gets you access to the self-guided Beer Tours, that’s £3 speciality beers and £5 boilermakers (AKA a beer and a shot) in more than 100 of the best beer bars and breweries in London all week long.


And if that’s not enough to whet your whistle, beer-lovers can get stuck into a full schedule of ticketed beer events, including parties, pairing dinners and brewery tours.


The week of beer, cider and ale-filled fun will once again culminate in CBR London 2016, the UK’s biggest beer, music and street food festival of its kind. Also based at The Old Truman Brewery, the event promises to be better than ever, with more than 600 beers on offer.


LBW wristbands are on sale now for just £10, visit


London drink festivals