Early November Beer Fest for Solihull.
Solihull drinkers have a two day beer festival to look forward to in November.
The St Alphege Beer Festival returns in 2019 and offers a selection of real ales and ciders plus wines, gins and soft drinks.
Plenty of refreshments will be on sale, and a programme of musical entertainment is planned throughout the weekend.
Tickets are £5 for adults, on the door, to include a souvenir beer glass. Under 18s are admitted free of charge.
The event is to be held at the Oliver Bird Hall, Church Hill Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 3RQ.
Opening times are Friday 5.30 – 10.30pm and Saturday 12 noon – 10pm.
For the Facebook page for the event CLICK HERE.
For the event website CLICK HERE.